This game is excellent for people learning to use the mouse or wishing to gain better hand-eye co-ordination. It also fun for all to play.
Software Requirements:
Approximately 3.4MB of Hard disk space
Approximately 3MB Ram
Colour Macintosh (256 colours recommended)
The Game:
The object of the game is to catch all the bunnies by clicking on them with the mouse button. You must catch 20 bunnies in as little time as possible.
High Scores (registered copies only)
The high scores records your name and the time taken to catch all the bunnies.
To save your high score:
1) When your game is finished (if you want to save the score), click on the ‘High Scores’ button to view the high scores.
2) Click on the ‘Save my Score’ button.
3) Type in your name.
Your score is added to the list.
The difficulty of the game is controlled by the speed that the bunnies appear and disappear.
To change the speed of the game:
1) Click on the ‘Help / Settings’ button and a new screen will appear.
2) The control panel on the right of the screen has a list of numbers from 0 - 100 (Fast - Slow). 0 is the fastest and 100 is the slowest. Click once on the appropriate button to adjust the speed then click ‘Done’. The game will now operate at that speed. There is also a ‘Select Special Speed’ button where you can select even slower speeds. These would be useful for young children or people that have had less experience with computers.
Speeds may vary depending on the speed of your computer. Try starting off with a speed of 50 for a fast computer, or 20 for a slower computer.
Special Information:
•To Cancel the game in progress, press the Escape key once.
•Pressing keys on the keyboard may interfere with the game. To avoid difficulties, don’t press any keys on the keyboard unless you are typing in your name for the high scores, etc.
Troubleshooting (Speed tips)
The only problem I have had with this game is slowness.
Sometimes if you have virtual memory enabled or another kind of Ram increasing program running the game will slow down dramatically and may not work correctly.
To fix this problem turn virtual memory off in the memory control panel or restart and hold down the shift key until the 'Welcome to Macintosh' screen appears (This will turn all your extensions off, which will gain maximum speed).
To tell if the game is running slow click on the 'Help/Settings' button and when the help screen is visible, click 'Done'. It shouldn't take any more than 4 - 5 seconds for the main screen to appear. If it takes longer, try one of the methods above. If both of those don't work, then you may require a faster computer to run the game.
If you have any other difficulties please contact me and I will try to fix the problem as soon as possible.
In registering, you will recieve:
A Registration Password to enter into the game. This will enable High Scores, and will let you remove the 'Un-Registered' messages and you will be able to customise the title screen with your name. You will also get free upgrades to future versions, and specail offers on other software.
Future versions may include other animals in the game, and special goodies that you can catch, such as treasure chests, and surprises!
To register, open the registration program included with Catch the Bunny II (See Register Read-Me).
Although I have tested this product there still may be some problems. I (Kim Maisch) make absolutely no guarantee on this product. I take no responsibility for any problems which may occur through use of the game, or anything else.
Use this product at your own risk.
You may distribute un-registered copies of this game, on condition that all the 8 files are included.
If you decide to use this product you will register it (see registration read-me).